What You Think About Carers Voice

Walsall Carers Hub is a service led by Forward Carers CIC with Midland Mencap as the lead delivery partner to provide support and services for unpaid Carers in Walsall. Forward Carers runs a programme called Carers Voice that ensures Carers are at the heart of everything that we do and that their views are heard so we can include Carers feedback to shape our services.
Carers can get involved by answering surveys, join in-person focus groups or share their own personal caring journey by telling their own story of being a Carer to help other people or to inform professionals.
On 18 September 2024, we held a focus group, the afternoon session focused on our Carers Voice programme to explore how Carers felt about it, how they would like to be involved and how it can be improved.
This feedback highlighted Carers’ needs for accessible venues, balanced session lengths, diverse attendance, and engaging, varied content.
You can read the full report here.
Here’s what some Carers thought about being part of our Carers Voice focus group and what they enjoyed about the day:
“Contributing to focus groups and hearing other people’s opinion.”
“Very enjoyable seeing some old faces again. Listening to other people’s opinions.”
“Meeting new people in the same situation as me.”
“Given me more confidence to share my views. I feel I have a voice compared to how I felt previously.”
Read some more Carers feedback.
To join our Carers Voice programme and get invitations to further focus groups, complete this form.