Our Services

Support From Health Services

It is important that Carers are recognised and supported in health settings such as GP surgeries and hospitals. Our Health Liaison programme aims to develop and maintain links with health professionals and to raise the awareness of Carers and inform them of the support available.  

How can my GP help me with my caring responsibilities?  

To get the support you need in your Caring role, a great place to start is by informing your GP that you care for somebody. Once you inform your GP that you are a Carer, they can record this on your medical records. Many GP surgeries have a form on their website to help you register as a Carer, however not all do. Carers UK have developed some useful templates to help you register as a Carer with you GP which you can find hereRegister as Carer with your GP.

If your GP knows that you are a Carer, they should be able to offer you more support, information and advice. 

Once you inform your GP practice that you are a Carer, please feel free to ask them what support/services are available to you. This may include:  

  • Understanding some of your health needs and the potential impact your caring role has on your health. 
  • Find out if your GP practice facilitate a Carer Support Group within the practice. 
  • Arrange repeat prescriptions to be delivered to your local pharmacy or home address to save you from picking them up. 
  • Being recognised as a ‘partner in care’ and having your expertise valued.  *Consent may be required for health professionals to share information with you about the person you care for. 
  • Arrange double appointments for both you and the person you care for at the same time to avoid visiting the surgery twice. 
  • Provide information on medical conditions/treatments for the person you care for to help you feel more confident in your caring role. 
  • Inform you of services provided by the NHS such as continence services and patient transport to hospital appointments/ Carer coordinator service. 
  • Arrange home visits to you or the person you care for if your caring responsibilities make it difficult to attend appointments at the surgery. 
  • Provide supporting letters and information to enable you and the person you care for to access benefits such as Attendance Allowance or a blue badge scheme. 

Your health is important 

Life can be very busy juggling daily tasks, especially if you have caring responsibilities, but it’s important not to neglect your own health needs. Attending appointments, check-ups and screenings is important for yourself as well as your loved ones. It can be easy to forget about your own health, even if you are feeling unwell, however seeing your GP can help prevent any further health issues and support you in recovering much quicker.  

If it has been a while since you have visited your GP, give them a call and arrange a health check. This could include checking your blood pressure, weight or having a conversation about you and your health.  

Free Flu Jabs  

The seasonal flu vaccine is free for Carers or anybody receiving Carer’s Allowance and is the best way to protect yourself and the person you care for from the flu.  

The thought of becoming unwell can be a huge burden if you have caring responsibilities, therefore receiving your flu jab can put your mind at ease.  

Talk to your GP to find out more or visit the NHS website.  

What is social prescribing?  

Health Care professionals can refer patients to a link worker (also known as Social Prescriber) to offer non- clinical support to improve health and wellbeing. If you would like to find out how social prescribing could support you, feel free to ask your GP for further information. 

You can also find out more about social prescribing here.

I am a health professional, how can I help somebody in a Caring role? 

If you are a health professional and would like to refer somebody to Walsall Carers Hub for support.  Please click here.

‘What if’ somebody is required to step into my shoes? 

A ‘What If’ plan is a document that outlines the types of information you would like someone to know if they had to step into your shoes if something were to happen to you. Here is a template for you to produce your own copy. Just remember to tell a family member or friend about it should you fall ill for example.