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Carers Rights Day in Walsall

Carers Rights Day is an annual event on 24 November run by Carers UK to raise awareness of Carer’s rights. Carers in Walsall attended a free Carers Rights Day event on 24 November held at Walsall Town Hall, thanks to funding from Walsall Council and organisation from Forward Carers and Midland Mencap.

The Walsall Carers Hub team were there along with several stallholders from organisations based in Walsall to support Carers.

Stallholders at Walsall’s Carers Rights Day Event

Informative presentations were given by Central England Law Centre and National Energy Action. For a recap, or in case you were not able to make it on the day, just click the links to view the information.

Carers tucked into a buffet lunch provided by Walsall Council and enjoyed free hair styling, hand massages, and nail painting by hair and beauty students from Walsall College.

The next big event for Carers in Walsall will be during Carers Week at the beginning of June next year. Make sure you subscribe to our Carer Updates by completing this form so you don’t miss out on important information and FREE events. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with any Carer news.