What Difference can a Social Worker Make to an Older Person’s Life?

Social Workers play a crucial role in helping older people access essential support. Older people and their Carers are the largest group of people that social workers work with and is the focus of The Social Work with Older People (SWOP) research project. The research team would like two Walsall based individuals who can offer their thoughts and experience for around two hours per month over the next year or so. To thank you for your time and input, there will be a small payment for participation.
Research into social work with older people is funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research and led by the University of Birmingham and the University of Bristol.
The research will observe social work in two parts of England and will involve ‘shadowing’ a small number of social workers as they go about their jobs with older people, their Carers and other professionals and practitioners.
The research will make recommendations about how social workers can best support older people and Carers, including how they work with other agencies. The research will identify how the government and employers can best invest in, support and recognise social work knowledge and skills.
To find out more watch this short clip or you can contact the research team via email info@effective-practice.com or p.beedell@bristol.ac.uk