The Importance of Self-Care

When you support someone, it’s very easy to put yourself last and neglect your own health and wellbeing which can put you at risk of burning out. Putting some time aside to look after yourself is not selfish, it’s essential. What would happen to the person you provide care for if you weren’t around?
Here are some simple tips to take some time out from your caring role, remember to be kind to yourself even if it is going for a walk each day.
15 Self-Care Tips
- Give yourself a spa treatment (pedicure, manicure or face mask).
- Read a book or magazine for an hour.
- Relax in a bubble bath.
- Get outside into nature or go for a walk.
- Relax and watch TV without guilt.
- Take a nap.
- Do something crafty: colouring, knitting, sewing.
- Listen to a podcast or some of your favourite music.
- Burn a candle or diffuse some oils and listen to some calming music.
- Do some form of exercise or relaxing stretches
- Declutter a spot in your house to help clear your mind.
- Cook and eat something you love.
- Spend time out in the garden.
- Say “no” to someone.
- Unplug for the rest of the day—put your devices in another room and do some meditation, engage in hobbies, or do anything else that soothes your soul.
National Trust Offer
Up until 30 November 2022, the National Trust is offering one FREE visit for up to two adults and four children at their participating sites. Terms and conditions apply, find out more about this offer and claim your free day out. #EveryoneNeedsNature.