Walsall Manor Hospital’s Emergency Department (ED)

During 2024, a new referral process in Walsall Manor Hospital’s Emergency Department (ED) to identify Carers at the earliest opportunity was launched.
Andrew Rice, Patient Experience and Voluntary Services Manager, said: “Our Trust has made a commitment to Carers that starts with the early identification of someone with caring responsibilities.
“Many people don’t actually see themselves as carers – often they see the support they give as an extension of their role in a family or being a good neighbour or friend. The term Carer may not mean anything to them.
“And for many Carers, the NHS plays a large part in the life of the person they look after. For some, that first contact will come via ED which is why we want to ensure this is recognised and our staff can make them aware of relevant support and information to maintain their own health and wellbeing.”
Zoe Christoffersen, Family and Carers’ Support Officer, added: “A lot of people who carry out a caring role will often say “It’s just something I do” or “We just get on with it.”
“But we’re here to make them aware of the importance of looking after themselves too. Caring for someone, particularly someone with health needs, can be tiring, challenging and worrying and can take its toll on the carer who may not know where to turn.
Carers’ Passport
A Carers’ Passport is offered by Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and aims to ensure those who have caring responsibilities are recognised, supported and involved within healthcare services.
The passport approach was introduced in response to national and local feedback from Carers who found it difficult to access information and advice and navigate the sometimes complex processes within the NHS and social care. When Carers are better supported, this also impacts positively on the person they are caring for, as well as health professionals involved in the person’s care.
The passport gives Carers an instant point of recognition and makes it easier for staff to speak to them and to have a say in patient care. Carers take on the care responsibilities for the patient within hospital so the Carer can wash the patient and give them their medication if they wish to do so.
The passport, is royal blue in colour, will contain a credit-card sized ID card containing the Carer’s name and patient name on the front. On the reverse is the name and signature of the authorising member of staff, plus the date of issue and date of expiry.
There will also be a pocket-sized passport document, which will explain what the Carer can expect from hospital staff (the ‘offer’ to them), in accordance with the NHS Constitution’s commitment to carers being involved and consulted in the care and treatment of their family member or friend.