Walsall Carers Hub’s information and advice service, delivered by Midland Mencap is available to anyone in Walsall caring for someone who could not cope without their support.
Read MoreCarer Wellbeing Check and Assessment
Carer Wellbeing Check
Walsall Carers Hub advisors may offer you a ‘Carer wellbeing check’. This is a quick and effective way of finding out how your caring role may be affecting different aspects of your wellbeing – be it physical, mental, emotion and or financial.
Our advisors can then support you to make a plan and take steps that will make a positive difference in your life and lessen the burden of caring. We like to repeat the ‘Carer wellbeing check’ from time to time to see if you are making progress and to check the support you are accessing is making life a little better for you.
This service is available to those who live in the borough of Walsall or care for someone who lives in the borough. Walsall Carers Hub can support you at any stage of your caring journey and with any level of need or communication need. You do not need to have completed a Statutory Carer’s Assessment or have eligible needs to access the service.
Contact Walsall Carers Hub on 01922 616 798 or drop us a line info@walsallcarershub.org.uk
Carer’s Assessment
If you care for an someone in Walsall and caring has a major impact on your life, you can talk to Walsall Council about the help and support you may need across all aspects of your life, including your work. This is called a Carer’s Assessment, and by law, Carers are entitled to receive a Statutory Carer’s Assessment.
If you care for an adult, you can ask for an assessment at any time, even if the adult you care for is unwilling to accept help. If your situation changes and you need more help, you can ask for a reassessment. The Carer’s Assessment is free of charge, it is your choice whether you have one, it will not stop the person you care for from receiving services. Once the assessment is complete, you are entitled to receive a written copy of your Carer’s Assessment.
To find out more or to arrange a Carer’s Assessment, contact Adult Social Care on 0300 555 2922, textphone 07919 014 925 or email initialintake@walsall.gov.uk